Lake Michigan Tide

Nathan Smith-Manley

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

The tide of Lake Michigan is calculated using a predictive algorithm which uses a combination of factors, such as the phase of the moon, wind patterns, and the size and shape of the lake. 

The factors we use to calculate the tide are:

Moon phase: The gravitational pull of the moon affects the water in lakes, just like it affects ocean tides. The moon's gravitational force is strongest during full and new moons, which can cause higher tides. Conversely, during half moons, the gravitational pull is weaker, resulting in lower tides.

Wind: Strong winds can cause waves and currents that affect the water level in a lake. If a strong wind blows toward one end of the lake, it can push water toward that end, causing a higher tide. If the wind blows in the opposite direction, it can cause a lower tide.

Lake shape: Some areas of Lake Michigan have narrow inlets or channels that can funnel water and cause higher tides. 

Historical data: By analyzing past tides and correlating them with factors like moon phase and wind patterns, we create a model that can predict future tides with a fair amount of accuracy.

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